Rules for reporting
Guidelines for reports style and format:
Reports should be written using Microsoft Word for Windows of any version and submitted electronically. Report size: plenary report should have 2-4 pages; section and poster reports should have up to 3 pages. Paper size is А4, margins (bottom, top, right, left) are 2 cm. A text shouldn't have carryovers and extra spaces (more than one interval). A suitable font is Times New Roman, 12pt. First line of a paragraph has 1,25 cm indent.
The title of the report is placed before the main text (centre-aligned, capital letters, bold), below, with intervals, are name(s) of author(s) (in italics, centre-aligned) and names of city and organization (in brackets, italics, centre-aligned).
Report abstract is placed after the title and author details.
Names of paragraphs are written in bold in the first line of a paragraph with an indent. Text of a paragraph starts in the same line with a name.
Drawings and tables should be named and numbered in order of appearance. They are placed on one page with the text, close to the place they are referred. While arranging drawings, Insert object function in Microsoft Word should be used. Inserted drawings should be sent as files with *.tif or *.bmp extensions and resolution 300 dpi.
Formulae should be written in MathType (Equation Editor) with default settings. Only the formulae which are referred in text are numbered.
Abbreviations (besides commonly accepted and admissible) should be explained. Latin symbols should be written in italics.
At the end of a report (with an interval) there are REFERENCES title and the list of references in order of their appearance in square brackets, for example: [1, 2] or [3-7].
Example of report styling
I.I. Ivanov, P.P. Petrov
(s.Tomsk, Tomsk Polytechnik University)
Paragraph name. Paragraph text:
1. Name of author. Book title. - City.: Publishing house, 2008. - 123 p.
2. Book title / Edited by Name. - City.: Publishing house, 2008. - 123 p.
3. Name of author. Article title // Journal. - 2008. - Т. 1. - № 11. - P. 71-77.
All the accepted reports will be published in conference collected papers. Organizing committee has the right to reject papers with inappropriate style or submitted after the deadline.
Plenary report can be given by leading specialists, professors and invited speakers. Plenary reports are 40 min long. Section reports are 15 min long. Poster reports are submited in printed form. Reports for young scientists' workshops are 10-15 min long. Participants can use multimedia projector.
Participants can publish their articles without taking parts in conference sections